Stoma Sticker Request

Raising Ostomy Awareness

Show Off Your Stoma Sticker


Wearing a stoma sticker is a powerful way to educate, start a conversation, or show support for people living with or caring for a person with a stoma. We suggest you place this sticker over clothes, on your lower right or left side between your navel and hip, where stomas are typically located.

Share a picture on social media! Tag us and use hashtags #OstomateVoices and #StomaSticker.


Complete and submit the form below to request your free Stoma Sticker. If you would like to order more than 25 stickers or have other questions about Stoma Stickers, please contact us at

We will only ship to UK addresses. Click one of these links to view ordering information for your country:

Canada (English), Canada (French), United States


Consent Statements

Order Request

For the purpose of processing, fulfilling, and communicating with me about the order I am requesting, I consent to the processing of my personal identification, communication preference, health information, product information, third party information, transactional information, and request details, where applicable, by Hollister, which includes its Group Companies (see link below). I understand that Hollister and its Group Companies may communicate with me about my order, using the contact information (postal address, email, phone, & sms text) that I have provided.

Direct Marketing

For the purpose of receiving information about products, promotions, and other direct marketing campaigns, I consent to the processing of my personal identification, communication preference, health information, and request details, where applicable, by Hollister, which includes its Group Companies (see link below). I understand that Hollister and its Group Companies may communicate with me about these topics, using the contact information (postal address, email, phone, & sms text) that I have provided.


For the purpose of participating in Hollister’s feedback programs, such as surveys, product or service evaluations, and/or clinical trial activities, I consent to Hollister’s processing of my name, address, contact information (such as: telephone number and e-mail address), age/birthday, gender, and medical information, which consists of data related to my health and necessary to ensure the suitability of my participation (such as: mobility, type of surgery, product usage, skin conditions, lifestyle), where applicable, for this purpose. As used above, “Hollister” refers to Hollister and its Group Companies (see link below).

Your consent is optional and you have the right to withdraw it at any time. To withdraw your consent or to make changes to your communication preferences, contact us at Such withdrawal only has future effect (i.e. the withdrawal of your consent has no effect on the lawfulness of the data processing and disclosures before the withdrawal was made).

For more details regarding Hollister and its Group Companies, please refer to our Group Companies Page. Please find further details regarding the processing of your personal data and your legal rights in our full Privacy Notice.